Absolute Carnage Scream 1 - 2019 - VF/NM
Amazing Spider-Man 1 - 2015 - Marvel Cosplay Variant - NM
Amazing Spider-Man 1 - 2015 - NM
Amazing Spider-Man 1 - 2015 - Spider-Man Unlimited Variant - NM
Amazing Spider-Man 14 - 2015 - Spider-Girl Spider-Verse Variant - NM
Amazing Spider-Man 15 - 2018 - Iron-Spider - Second Printing - NM
Amazing Spider-Man 21 - Mayhew Virgin Variant - VF/NM
Amazing Spider-Man 32 - 2017 - VF/NM
Amazing Spider-Man 359 - 1992 - Cameo App. Carnage - VF/NM
Amazing Spider-Man 76 - 1997 - 1st App. Loxias Crown, Hunger - F
Amazing Spider-Man Unintended Consequences - 2003 - TPB - Graphic Novel
Amazing X-Men 7 - 2014 - Firestar Cover - VF/NM
Annihilation Prologue 1 - 2006 - Dell'Otto Cover - VF
Anti-Venom New Ways To Die 1 - 2009 - VF/NM
Avengers 316 - 1990 - Fr
Avengers 687 Variant - 2019 - No Surrender - Signed Al Ewing - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 10 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 15 - 1995 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 2 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 3 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 4 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 5 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 6 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 7 - 1994 - VF/NM
Beavis and Butthead 8 - 1994 - VF/NM
Black Panther 2 - 2009 - Shuri - J. Scott Campbell
Black Panther VS Deadpool 1 - 2018 - NYCC PX Previews Exclusive - NM
Captain America 1 - 1998 - Dynamic Forces - Signed Garney & Waid - VF/NM
Captain America 341 - 1988 -1st App Battlestar - VF/NM
Captain Marvel 1 - 2016 - F/VF
Captain Marvel 6 - 2016 - Pasqual Variant - VF
Carnage 1 - 2015 - VF
Champions 6 - 2019 - VF/NM
Civil War Front Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - Set - VF
Cloak and Dagger 1 - 1985 - F
Damage Control 1 - 1991 - F
Edge of Venomverse 1 - 2017 - Francesco Mattina Daredevil Variant - VF/NM
EPIC Illustrated 20 - 1983 - VF
EPIC Illustrated 21 - 1983 - VF
Excalibur 71 - 1993 - Dynamic Forces - Signed Madureira & Robertson - VF/NM